Building stress resiliency for a life of productivity & success with ease.

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the INNERWORK studio

We do not always have the ability to remove stress from our lives, but we do have the capacity to learn and practice the inner skills necessary to regulate the impact of stress and negative emotions more effectively. This inner regulation creates a positive feedback loop of resiliency allowing you to feel better, show up as your best self, and help those around you to do the same.

My goal is to empower you embrace the resiliency advantage to make permanent shifts in your stress response, allowing you to experience the healthiest, most productive & most satisfying life possible…even even during life's most challenging moments.
~Carrie Crossman
Stress Resiliency Specialist

How would you feel starting every day knowing you have…

  • effective tools to quickly manage any unexpected stressors

  • ample energy needed to be fully present for yourself, work & family

  • more focus, engagement & productivity when you need it most

  • meaningful connections to create & nurture healthy relationships

  • the powerful ability to navigate anything life will throw your way

...regardless of what is actually going on around you?

This empowered life is possible for YOU!

Holistic Stress Support

Learning to build RESILIENCE is the key to…


    Increase your capacity to respond confidently to life’s challenges while feeling good!


    Develop strategic partnerships and maintain meaningful relationships.


    Navigate challenges, sustain motivation and create with greater success and ease.


    Create a harmonious inner & outer environment to positively co-regulate others in your world.

Why work with a Stress Resiliency Specialist?

Imagine waking up each morning actually feeling refreshed and focused, able to manage your busy schedule with ease and efficiency, while also being present and engaged with your family.

Just wait, it gets better…

The once-overwhelming anxiety and “just got to get through this week” survival mode now replaced with a sense of peace, empowering you to thrive both personally and professionally.

And then…

This calm confidence spills over and becomes a positive influence on the people in your workplace and on your entire family. All creating a more harmonious work and home environment, with deeper connections and more joy.

The icing on the cake?…

You are ready to confidently handle whatever challenges may come your way, no matter how crazy or absurd they they may be!

You might be saying to yourself right about now: Yeah, right. This seems super unrealistic and so far from my life. Is all of this really possible?!


This empowered ease is the foundation of a truly satisfying life, and it is fully available to you through working with a Stress Resiliency Specialist.

Feel better now & and manage stress better in the future.

Whether you're wanting to stress-proof for the future, or are actively navigating a stressful scenario—such as a significant life transition, a high-stakes work project, supporting a loved-one in distress or battling ongoing issues like chronic pain or illness—your capacity to handle this challenge with greater ease and well-being can absolutely be increased for greater success…

By learning to access and intentionally activate your nervous system's most restorative state, you develop greater resilience. This enhanced resilience gives you access to an added reserve, unlocking profound levels of support and renewal whenever you need it.

With this resiliency advantage on your side, you can tackle your most ambitious personal and professional goals,

...AND enjoy the journey along the way!

How can the RESILIENCY ADVANTAGE support you…?

Mothers are often the emotional barometers for their families, and when they experience stress, it can have a ripple effect on their children and partners.
— Dr. Samantha Meltzer-Brody, Director of UNC Center for Women’s Mood Disorders
Parents play a vital role in shaping their children’s ability to manage stress. When parents take the time to care for their own well-being and practice healthy stress management, they not only enhance their own mental health but also model effective strategies for their children to learn from. This sets the foundation for a lifetime of emotional resilience.
— Dr. Dan Siegel, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute
As moms, when we prioritize our own well-being and manage our stress, we not only benefit ourselves, but we also model resilience, self-care, and emotional regulation for our children, setting them up for a lifetime of healthy habits.
— Dr. Laura Markham, Clinical Psychologist and Parenting Expert

What Is Possible?

“As a busy mom balancing home and work life, I have come rely on the techniques Carrie has taught me to deal with everyday stress. I have learned amazing self-care tools that allow me to be way more patient and fun. I think my family actually likes me better- thank you, Carrie!”

— Michelle H. (Mar Vista, CA)

“I am so grateful for the guidance Carrie has provided over the past several months. I am not sure how I could have handled my shift in career and a major house move, all while still handling the day to day grind of motherhood. I am looking forward to learning even more! ”

— Cathy M. (Los Angeles, CA)

Schedule a free stress assessment to learn where and how you can tap into your hidden resources to become more empowered and resilient, today!

Let’s talk about your unique situation...